Web2 Vs Web3 Introduction
Web3 is getting more attention in the world of internet. The popularity of Web3 is correlated to the acceptance and widespread usage of blockchain and security technology. The possibility that Web3 will become the standard sooner or later provides us with an chance to study past generations, their differences and the like.

Web2 is designed for the current internet generation. Web3 is for the semantic web. The Internet has grown rapidly from its inception, which consisted of static images and text to its current iteration – Web2, We are approaching the Web3 time, in which information and value can be easily transferred between decentralized platforms with dispersed ownership and management.

According to the stats of the Web3 applications, 46% of apps are in the finance sector, 8.9% belong to the social sector, and the remainder are related to games, business, and various sectors.

Learn more about the growth and future of the Internet. From the first web, to one that is semantic What are the main differences between Web2 Vs Web3, how they differ and what ideas will be dominant in the coming ten years.

Web2 vs. Web3 Comparing the Differences Using Statistics
Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 are related technologies with similar origins, but they approach challenges in a different way. Web 2.0 is concerned about publishing and reading information. Web3.0 is concerned with the creation of information (Semantic Web). The latter, which uses technology to promote sharing of information among online users and improve cybersecurity, is superior.
More than 3 billion people each day benefit from web 2.0 for the majority of their daytime. It transforms information consumption away from static websites that are provided by costly servers to interactive experiences and user-generated content.
Interactivity and users are central to Web 2.0. The majority of Web 2.0 content is made and shared by users via sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Web 2.0 is more collaborative and social, but it typically has costs. The disadvantage is that users have to disclose private and personal data to the firms that run these platforms by generating information.
Web2 vs Web3 5 Key Differences
Although Web2 attempts to connect people, Web3 integrates this data in terms of meaning as well as enhancing the trust. This is because of decentralization. Here are some more distinctions:

1. Currency
Fiat money is used for web2 currency transactions. Payments are made with government-issued money such as the US Dollar. Web3 also makes use of cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin as well as Ethereum as alternative to US dollars for funding transactions.

2. Ownership Of The Content
Web 2.0 allows the network to control data storage. This can lead to access issues as well as concerns regarding privacy and security. Web 3.0 solves this problem by simultaneously sending data across multiple locations.

Web2 Vs. Web3: Why choosing the most appropriate option is vital for your company?
Web 3.0 will have an impact on businesses through transparency and a focus on the user/customer. This means that the way firms use the data of their customers will alter. Since blockchain technology is at the core of Online 3.0, all web apps need to be blockchain-capable in order in order to take part.

Businesses can profit from Web 3.0 in the following ways:

There is no reason to work with a third-party.
The compliance with the regulations has improved.
More accountability.
More security.
Customer relations improved
Effective Supply Chain Management.

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