How you can treat your back pain and find a good doctor for it
Back pain refers to discomfort or pain in the area between the neck and the hips, also known as the back or spine. It can be acute, lasting a few days to a few weeks, or chronic, lasting for months or even years.
There are many potential causes of back pain, including:
Muscle or ligament strain: Overuse or excessive strain on the muscles and ligaments in the back can cause pain.
Bulging or ruptured discs: Discs are the cushioning pads between the vertebrae that make up the spine. If a disc bulges or ruptures, it can press on a nerve, causing pain.
Osteoporosis: This condition causes the bones to become weak and brittle, increasing the risk of fractures.
Injury or trauma: Back pain can result from a fall, car accident, or another injury.
Poor posture: Poor posture can put a strain on the muscles and ligaments in the back, leading to pain over time.
It's important to see a healthcare provider if you're experiencing back pain, especially if it's severe, long…
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