Pain is a constant companion of life. When we’re young and healthy, it’s easy to ignore the pain as something that will go away on its own. But as we get older, chronic pain can be extremely disruptive to our daily lives. If you’re experiencing chronic pain, you may find it difficult to perform your day-to-day activities because of how much it interferes with your ability to function normally. Chronic pain can also cause severe joint damage if left untreated–and unfortunately, there isn’t much that can be done about this type of damage except waiting for it to recover naturally over time. Unfortunately, standard options like rest and icing don’t do much to speed up recovery when compared with surgery or other invasive procedures that require additional recovery time before returning fully active again. If you’re in pain from a sports injury, there are many solutions available at QC Kinetix (Artesian) to help you recover more quickly. However, these solutions can be expensive, invasive, and addictive. Our advanced regenerative medicines in Artesian can help relieve your pain without surgeries or addictive medications.

Company Hours
Monday – Thursday: 08:00 – 18:00
Friday – Sunday: 08:00 – 16:00

Products/Services Offered:
Non-surgical regenerative treatments for pain associated with sports injuries, arthritis, and other musculoskeletal conditions.

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